The internationalization of the university is one of the strategic goals of the UCTE – student and stuff mobilities, as well as international cooperation are priority issues that build the University’s competitiveness in the European Higher Education Area.
The Erasmus is the support for the University’s strategic assumptions.
UCTE declares and plans to continue cooperation with partnership universities from European Unions as well as from outside. The aim of this cooperation is international nature of education on many levels: exchange of experience, knowledge transfer, research cooperation, student education, organization of international meetings.
UCTE focuses on multilateral cooperation with leading educational centers in Europe and the world. In the group of closest partners are University colleges of Great Britain, Hungary, Slovakia, Italy, Spain. University is interested in active cooperation agreement, which making possible to realize a modern, professional teaching process. The basis for effective cooperation projects will be based on knowledge transfer, exchange of know-how and unification of educational programs. The university plans to organize monographic lectures of professors from abroad, semester exchange of students, staff training and the implementation of common research projects.
The university plans continue development of foreign cooperation through:
UCTE takes part in creating international education programs in a foreign languages. Today is ready for training in English, the University is open and ready to educate students from both the EU and outside the EU.A dedicated team of guardians support foreigners, implementing an induction program at the University. Students receive support and assistance in learning the Polish language, learning about Polish culture and the specifics of life in our country. Coordinator monitors their expectations and is ready to respond in case of the individual needs of students.
UCTE strategic directions perfectly fit into the tasks posed by the modern institution of higher education. They can be described by three fundamental slogans, which defined the direction of the development of the University: CLOSER TO THE STUDENT, CLOSER TO THE ECONOMY, CLOSER TO THE WORLD. Each of these philosophy points of functioning of UCTE shows it as a modern, friendly, international higher education university. University, which is monitoring needs on the labor market, flexibly adapting training programs to the expectations of the real economy. University, whose priority is to ensure the highest standards of teaching in the adopted unified training programs formula with foreign partners and giving away common international graduated diplomas.
The main goal of the University is to enable to students achieving of good overall knowledge, specialized knowledge as well and in the same time create the important skills to enter the labor and business market. Students of UCTE developing the skills of ability to freely communicating with people, to which they are using modern technology, invention, imagination, creativity and fluent knowledge of foreign languages. Our goal is to create for the graduates of UCTE the possibility to undertake a satisfactory job in leading companies and institutions or running own company in European market.
UCTE also plans to take actions to lead to the use of new, digital mobility management tools that will support the exchange process (transfer and sharing of knowledge and experience after mobilities). At the same time, the University implements care for the environment and compliance with the principles of sustainable development in each activities and project of the Programme.
II The University strives for an intensive exchange of professors teaching of foreign universities. UCTE supports the mobility of students, graduate students and professors. Enters the unification of training programs, allowing students to education at the partner universities and getting double international diploma. UCTE is ready to realize studies for foreign students. Strategy of internationalization covers a broad action-oriented as students from non-EU countries, offering European standards of education and honored around the world European university diploma.
All students going to study and practice abroad can count on the support of the Erasmus + Institutional Coordinator, Rector’s Plenipotentiary for practice and in emergency situations also teaching staff delegated by the university. Each student is treated individually, according to his expectations and predispositions. Receives support in the preparation of all documentation and organization of the whole trip – accommodation and travel expenses. Also during on the mobility of the student is under the constant supervision of the Coordinator / Supervisor’s practice – always knows that he can contact and get support. Also, the course of study / training is monitored by regular reports from students who staying in mobility and contact with tutors from the host institution. For program participants – foreign visitors to our institution we also offer individual attention, assistance in completing the formalities upon arrival and during the stay. Visitors can count on the support of the organization as well as substantive.
III In the Framework of the Erasmus+ program The University College of Tourism and Ecology undertakes to:
The select of mobile staff and students to participate in international projects is fair, transparent, coherent and documented way, in line with the provisions of its contract with the National Agency.
The Univerisity provides that any individual or group will be treated equally and equitably. There should be no discrimination „based on sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation
UCTE continues its policy of equal educational opportunities for students from different backgrounds, promotes a policy of equal opportunities for students with disabilities and appreciating the cultural value of mobility under the Erasmus program, contributes to the promotion of cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue.
The University is implementing now facilities, (procedural, technological) for people with disabilities, They will be used also in international mobilities. An access plenipotentiary was appointed at the university, and the main duties of plenipotentiary are focuses on the university’s accessibility strategy in relation to the people. with disabilities
The University ensure full implementation of ECTS as a common tool to guarantee the quality of mobility activities and transparency of recognition procedures
All the achievement of students in mobility are thoroughly analysed and verified by designated for that person. Based on the findings of prior departure if the student has completed the expected results, has included this result in the achievements in the form of credits, an entry in the index, and also place information in the Diploma Supplement
Mobile participants (students and staff) are allowed to retain any grant, loan, national disability allowances, national support broadening access to education and/or any other similar support that they currently receive from their home country for the duration of the mobility.
Academic Careers Office provides high quality mobility of UCTE, all incoming and outgoing students and teachers interested in Erasmus receive the necessary information about opportunities to study abroad, university partners, the periods of recruitment, financial aspects, courses and accommodation. Through the Career Office, students can choose from a wide range professional practices organized in cooperation with employers. They will be able to participate in international projects carried out within the framework of the Erasmus+ project and other projects of the elements of cooperation with partner universities.
The University is obliged to:
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